hypnosis fort lauderdale BPDMigraine and Headache Relief

You know those little praying hands emoji? That’s the picture that flashes for most people who suffer from headaches and migraines. It is likely you are here now because trying to power through on your own hasn’t worked or you’ve tried all kinds of medications and are still suffering. This is not a sign of failure. In fact, the desire to seek help comes from the wisest part of you.

If your car broke down, would you hesitate to call a qualified mechanic? Probably not. Believe it or not, your body and mind are the same.

It is when we are in pain that we are most deserving of support. ​Working with a qualified hypnotherapist can give you the tools you need to reduce headaches and migraines and feel like you’re able to live a normal life.

How can Hypnosis help me?

Clinically proven through scientific studies, hypnosis helps you decrease the frequency of migraines and headaches, the intensity of them, and helps you reduce the use of medication. I offer a 6 session treatment protocol to decrease headaches and migraines that is based on extensive research. When people ask me if they can really feel better in 6 weeks after struggling for years, I give a resounding and confident YES! I do follow-up on every client who consents to it. At 6 month follow-up, every single one has maintained the gains they made.

Numerous studies have examined individual hypnosis treatment for headaches and migraines. Here are the results from just one of them. All of the studies had similar results.

At 4-week follow-up, the hypnosis group was found to be experiencing significant reductions (p < .05) in number of headache days, hours, and intensity of headaches compared to the wait-list control group. They also showed a significant (p < .01) reduction in anxiety as measured by Zung’s Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (Zung, 1971). Improvement was confirmed by subjective evaluation and questionnaire data showing a significant reduction in anxiety scores (p < .01). Hypnosis patients reported that the training made it easier for them to relax, gave them a sense of control over the headaches, changed their perception of the pain, and prevented tension from building up during the day.

More Resources

As a member of the  American Headache Society and the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, I can tell you that they both have excellent resources to help you manage or reduce headaches and migraines. If you are not in my area and prefer to work with someone in person rather than on the phone, they are also both good ways to find a hypnotherapist in your area.

In the first season of the Hypnotize Me podcast, I did an episode all about Hypnosis for migraines and headaches and how it fits in with other treatments.  One of the studies I talk about researched kids and teens so if that’s going on for a child of yours, listen to the episode!

Click here to Listen to the episode >>>>> https://drlizhypnosis.com/episode32

I also have a Summary PDF about the research on hypnosis for Migraines and Headaches that I would be happy to send to you.

What to do Next

Dr. Liz - Hypnosis for IBS

Although my office is in Broward county and the Fort Lauderdale / South Florida area, I work with people all over the world. If you’re struggling with migraines and headaches, schedule a free consult. We’ll discuss your medical history and whether hypnosis can be helpful for you.

Yours in health,
Dr. Liz

Click to Schedule a Free Consultation