Two Resources for Children of Narcissistic Parents

These are two wonderful resources for children of Narcissistic Parents. One focuses on daughters of Narcissistic mothers and the other is for any child of a narcissistic parent. Links to the books as well as the transcript of the video is below!

Hi I’m Dr. Elizabeth Bone with and Conversations For Effective Living. Today I’m going to give you a couple of resources if you have a narcissistic parent. I often work with daughters, and sometimes sons, but more often daughters, of narcissistic mothers. Sometimes narcissistic fathers. Sometimes it’s a combination. It’s the combination of a narcissistic mother with a daughter that really causes so much chaos and hurt and pain to the daughter.

Heal from Narcissistic Abuse with psychotherapy in Broward County.

Heal from Narcissistic Abuse with psychotherapy in Broward County.

What happens is the daughter grows up with out really getting her needs met. She learns very early that she needs to answer to whatever the narcissistic mother wants, and to get any kind of love and attention, she has to do that. That ends up really destroying her tiny little soul in some ways. As she grows up and becomes a mother and starts that process herself, she struggles sometimes with what do I do here? She has absolutely no pattern, often, for how to be a good mom. And these are often very sensitive, very good mothers as they become mothers.

This is definitely true in my own life. I had a narcissistic mother, and I had a very good and sensitive father. Often when I would think, “What do I do here?” I would think about my dad, not my mom, in terms of how to be loving towards my children.

Here’s the two books. One is Children of the Self-Absorbed: A Grown-Up’s Guide to Getting Over Narcissistic Parents. by Nina Brown. It’s so so good,

Heal from Narcissistic Abuse with psychotherapy in Broward County.

Excellent book on healing from Narcissistic Abuse.

and she has exercises in it. She has some assessments.

It’s not just theoretical. It’s some really concrete things that you can do.

The other one is “Will I Ever Be Good Enough: healing the daughters of narcissistic mothers,” by Karyl McBride. Again, an excellent, excellent book. She goes over the different types of narcissistic mothers, and I’ll do that in another video. She has exercises in there, and some concrete things that you can do to help yourself as you navigate this


That’s it for today. I hope you have a wonderful day. Again, there’s all kinds of free stuff at my website. There’s a free hypnosis to reduce fear and anxiety. There’s one for emotional stability. If you join the newsletter, you’ll see the page that actually has all the free stuff on it, so keep that in mind. All right. See you next time.

Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy with Dr. Liz

I specialize in hypnosis in Broward county and the Fort Lauderdale area. To see if we’re a good fit to work together, schedule your free consultation at 954-309-9071.

Yours in health,
Dr. Liz